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John Ball

John Ball

John Ball: A Source of Inspiration

John Ball, born in 1338 in the UK, was an English priest known for his significant role in the Peasants' Revolt of 1381.

  • Revolutionary Preacher: Gained fame as a roving preacher, advocating for social equality based on John Wycliffe's doctrines.
  • Persecution: Imprisoned and excommunicated multiple times, continued preaching in churchyards.
  • Voice of the Discontented: Represented the lower classes who opposed villeinage and unpaid labor.
  • Enduring Legacy: Became a hero for radicals, revolutionaries, and socialists, and a respected figure in English history.

At The Developer Society, Ball’s advocacy for social equality inspires us. As a digital not-for-profit co-op, we strive to empower charities and NGOs, reflecting his dedication to justice and reform.

We acknowledge that no one is perfect, including Ball. Our focus is on drawing inspiration from his positive contributions while recognising that endorsing every aspect of a person's life and actions isn't necessary. We celebrate the values and actions that align with our mission to support social good through digital innovation.